Mary Ellen Hetrick

For the last 12 years Mary Ellen has owned and manged Farrell's Restaurant. Previously, she was employed 9 years as a youth services officer working with adjudicated young people at Long Lane in Middletown. She has lived in Portland for over 17 years with her husband Art. They have two children, Matthew 15 (a sophomore at PHS) and Tyler 12 (7th grade, Middle School) .



What are the 3 issues in town that you are most interested in, according to importance.

  1. Quality education for the children of Portland.
  2. Fiscal responsibility in how money is spent for Portland.
  3. Developing an enriched business climate to our tax base.

What do you hope to accomplish in the next term of office if you win
the election?

  • Work with the BOE to maintain and increase the standards of
  • To work within the budget process to maintain fair taxes while maintaining programs for our children.

What do you like best about Portland?

I like the community atmosphere of Portland. Being a restaurant
owner I meet and talk to residents all the time and share with them my
convictions to keep Portland a desirable community.

Community involvement.

I've been involved with charitable organizations through donations
through the restaurant including volunteer work with the United Way.

How do you think you will make a political difference in

I'm team player who is open-minded and not afraid to speak my
mind and confront difficult issues.

Describe what you think local political leadership is all about?

Political leadership involves knowing the issues at hand, listening to residents and other opinions, keeping an open mind and making the best decisions possible to keep Portland's education system
at it's best.

Is there anything that can be done to lower taxes?

Enriching the business growth in town through incentives to develop in Portland. Restrict future residential development

Personal Attributes.

I'm an honest, hard working person who is always available and
willing to listen and talk about issues in our town. I will work hard
to keep Portland's school system strong while adhering to the fiscal responsibilities in keeping that goal.


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